DARPAのプログラム Probabilistic Programming for Advanced Machine Learning (PPAML)

DARPAのプログラム Probabilistic Programming for Advanced Machine Learning (PPAML) が走るだそうだ。 DARPAのアナウンスに曰く

The Probabilistic Programming for Advanced Machine Learning (PPAML) program was launched to address this challenge. Probabilistic programming is a new programming paradigm for managing uncertain information. By incorporating it into machine learning, PPAML seeks to greatly increase the number of people who can successfully build machine learning applications and make machine learning experts radically more effective. Moreover, the program seeks to create more economical, robust and powerful applications that need less data to produce more accurate results – features inconceivable with today’s technology.

さて、面白そうな話だが、どこへ向かうのやら。 Machine learningに限定しているのだが、それがいいのかどうか。 うまくコメントできないが。


Posted by yamanouc