CNN News: Scientists more certain that particle is Higgs boson ~ ヒッグス粒子の発見に円周率パイが関係するとか??

CNN News: Scientists more certain that particle is Higgs boson



The Higgs boson news coincides not only with Einstein’s birthday, but also with Pi Day, March 14. These events are not entirely unrelated: Incandela told CNN last year that the number pi comes up in Large Hadron Collider calculations. For instance, scientists need to use pi when calculating how “loops" — particles that transform themselves into other particles, and then come back together to make the original particle again — contribute to a particle’s mass.

とあります。3月14日は円周率パイの日なのだそうですが(これも知らなかった)、こちらの(去年の)関連記事 Pi Day: How 3.14 helps find other planets, and more によると、その円周率の計算が新しい惑星の発見に重要であるし、今回のようなHiggs粒子の発見にも重要であるとか。(その他いろいろ書いてあるけれど)




Posted by yamanouc